Concept Documents

I used Microsoft Word to create the concept documents that will get my initial ideas down on 'paper'. from here it is easier to advance my ideas and decide which one I'd like to take forward into a game design document.

At first I was very exited about Mercenary Mayhem and thought that would be the idea I'd choose, then I began work on my second idea, then the third. I found as I continued with my ideas I found myself swaying towards the idea I originally least liked, then decided there was much more that could be done than I had originally thought.

Here are the concept documents I've created for my three ideas:

Concept Document: Mecenary Mayhem
Concept Document: ARacers
Concept Document: Tynies

After presenting these ideas the my class and tutor it became quite apparent that I should continue with Tynies as it had the most potential. I'm happy with the way things have gone so far and look forward to my progress.

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